Tuesday, February 17, 2009

To all the Huffaker-related families,
I am hoping that this blog will provide an effective means of exchanging pictures, personal and family experiences and other info that will enable us to keep better acquainted with each other - regardless of how far away we live. Many relatives of the Huffaker family have not seen nor heard from each other for many years and hopefully this blog will bring us all a lot closer together. You should have been directed to this blog through one of Burton and Reva Huffaker's children. They, in turn, should email their families with instructions on how to log on to this blog and create new postings.
I will be posting family pictures that were sent to us in February. Most all pictures of the Burton and Reva Huffaker's posterity are included, but some of them are a bit outdated. We hope you will share some up to date pictures and tell us about recent family/personal events.
So, don't be shy... lets get this thing started. I know it can be of great benefit to us all.
Love to you all,
Gene & Ramona
The creation of a blog leaves many questions unanswered. I'll keep trying.